North Norfolk Methodist Circuit

North Walsham

NW Logo
Mission Statement

Our Mission is to:-

                        Generate strong community links
                        Relate to all ages
                        On-going prayer and worship commitment
                        Work with other churches

Our Vision is to:-

                        Grow in the Love of God
                        Offer love and friendship to all
                        Draw others to know God

Policy Statement

Growing in the Love of God
North Walsham Methodist Church (NWMC) seeks to enrich and deepen in the knowledge that “God is Love...” (1 John 4:8 )  Exploring this knowledge through worship and prayer, will be essential to our Vision.

The formation of “House Groups” allows deeper study into Scriptures. sharing testimony and support more than that afforded in Sunday Worship. NWMC will continue to promote and encourage such groups.

Work with the younger people we see as essential, as needs have been identified in the wider community of North Walsham.
Financial resources will continue to be applied to this work. We will also bring our skills and personalities as an offering to God's purpose to see His work grow.

We respect the past, respond to present challenges and prepare for the future

Offering Love and Friendship to All
North Walsham Methodist Church is mindful of our Founder’s instruction to:-
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”
- atrib John Wesley

In particular we aim to show God’s compassion to all. We will aspire to include those on the peripheral of our church community, the visitors to the “Mustard Seed” coffee mornings and groups attending the church premises through lettings. Church Members serving these visitors will endeavour to demonstrate this in the way they consider, conduct, and converse with them.

We will continue to work with the other Churches in North Walsham towards the furtherance of Christianity in the local and world community.

We will continue to nominate, annually, a recognised charity in addition to the Methodist Trust donations, which will be our focus in giving and fund raising events for the year.


Drawing others to know God
We seek to take our faith outside our church building and encourage participation in all aspects of extended church life whilst respecting the choices of those wishing not to participate.
However we pray that all take heed of the Great Commission of Jesus to:-  “Go into all the world and preach the gospel...” (Mark 16:15) and each in their own way generate a seeking to improve or commence a Faith Journey, in others by their witness, in deed if not in word.

We acknowledge the attributes of all Christians and value the diversity of other styles of worshipping God. To this end NWMC will be open to innovated Spirit led Worship to create an atmosphere where both young and old will feel part of the fellowship of God, using word, music. drama and image.
Encouragement of visiting preachers to explore all styles as they lead worship we feel is essential as they make pathways to God for all.

North Walsham Methodist Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence in the town and to celebrate God's love for all in worship and service.

Objectives for the next year

    Improve communication between those connected to the church.

Communication is at present largely via personal contact, telephone and the printed word contained in the Weekly Notice Sheet These we see as vital to the support structure within the church community.
However we shall pursue supplementing these with a text messaging and email service for those wishing to participate. There is also provision for a “members only” area of the church website which can only be accessed by a password should this be utilised.

NWMC would aspire to being able to respond to needs of the extended church family, quickly and effectively, remembering communication involves listening as well as speaking.

A church that is not responding to its society is already communicating something!

North Walsham Methodist Church Stewards

2014Logo and Arrows

This image represents our new Logo and the folks coming to and going from our church as we hope it to be a part of their lives


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  • Circuit Office, North Walsham Methodist Church
  • Grammar School Road
  • North Walsham
  • Norfolk
  • NR28 9JH

07535 528613
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