North Norfolk Methodist Circuit

 North Walsham

Church Address
Grammar School Road  North Walsham  Norfolk  NR28 9JH Tel 01692 501003

W3W Aylsham ///baths.welcome.unsightly 
(click for more informationabout What3Words )

Our church is open for Worship every Sunday at 10:30am

Minister:   Rev Colin Telfer 

01692 218657


Rev Colin Telfer 



If you would like to talk to someone about using one of the church rooms contact speak to one of the stewards.



We produce a Weekly Notice Sheet which gives an update on our church life and activities

NW Notice Sheet

There is a warm welcome for all at North Walsham Methodist Church.

We think of ourselves as a family and want people to feel loved and supported in the fellowship of this Church.

 The fellowship we provide can't really be understood from a website, it needs to be experienced.

  It is the same as the love of Jesus.
 It is not enough just to read about, it needs to be felt in the heart. So we invite you to join us in worship and to share in the welcome and love we have found in Jesus.

Accessibility at North Walsham

The Methodist Church at North Walsham wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for. In order to allow for widest possible access, this church is all on one level with just a very small step in the main door - the other two entrances are "wheel" friendly and are level with the pavement.

                Our Mission is to:-

      Generate strong community links
      Relate to all ages
      On-going prayer and worship commitment
     Work with other churches

                Our Vision is to:-

      Grow in the Love of God
      Offer love and friendship to all
      Draw others to know God


to see our policy statement click on our logo below



 Face book logo



    North Walsham Methodist Church is pleased to be able to use:

SlideGenSlideGen®      and       ZionWorx Logo


For Worship Song and Hymn presentation

For more information about North Walsham
North Walsham logo






  • Circuit Office, North Walsham Methodist Church
  • Grammar School Road
  • North Walsham
  • Norfolk
  • NR28 9JH

07535 528613
Email Us