North Norfolk Methodist Circuit

NW LogoNorth Walsham



Members of our Congregation have been sending in their own Easter Season images and we share some here

 Easter Morning

 Easter Morning

 Bread and Wine

Here is

here is

 Bread and Wine





 Table 2


 Table 3

" this

 Palm Sunday


 Barbed Wire Cross

of the


Easter Morning



One of our members has been signing his book at 

Green Pastures Logo

The Christian Bookshop Ministry in Dereham

John Butura signing

Escape from Communism

"An Escape From Communism to a Prisoner of Christ"
                                    John I. Butura

Email for details 

Action For Children weekend when David Starling cut a celebration cake and was thanked for many years of service as Action for Children advocate.


Holly, The local representative manned the display and gave an informative talk on the work of Action for Children in the area


Holly and David discuss the local work of the Circuit Volunteers here in North Norfolk


The Cake which was donated by Sheringham bakers Craske's


David sets about the celebration cake


Godfrey Talford receives recognition for 60 years' dedication to church music






Royal Wedding

To share in the celebrations of Prince Harry and Megan our Youth Group have been designing suitable outfits made from re-cycled materials - somewhat cheaper but possible less durable


 Wedding 2

 Wedding 3


Fun Day at North Walsham with Messy Church and some Puppetry

Messy Some Messy sheep being made at the Fun Day






Puppets 2

The "Sockies" singing their hearts out "Glad All Over..Jesus I'm Glad your'e mine..."



SockiesAlso featured were the sheep but they wandered off before we could digitally capture them! 

Well the story was about the "lost sheep"


Thanks to the puppeteers and helpers who gave up their afternoon to help Anne give our church a presence at the town's Fun Day 

Duggie Dug Dug's Crazy Science Party

Dug Horley and his team delivered a fantastic afternoon arranged at the Atrium , here in North Walsham.
A brilliant venue - thanks to all the helpful staff there.

With lots of smoke, foam, pops and bubbles Dug illustrated what a wonderful world God has made.

His two assistants did more to frustrate Dug - which brought a large slice of humour to the whole proceedings. Plus we got to join in some of Dug's special songs, which are full of simple words and lots of actions.

Dug 1

Dug 2

Dug 3

Dug 4

Dug 5

Angel Host hits the town

Over 200 knitted angels were blessed at North Walsham Methodist Church during the Sunday Morning Service before Christmas and sent on their way into town joining with those from the other denominations to bring the news of God’s Love: Each bearing a message tag

Host of 200 angels ready to hit the town

Carol Service Message

The Rev'd John Fenn led our Carol Service which included readings telling the Christmas story, poems and three items from our own singing group.
John also gave a short, inspiring, talk based on the message brought to us by the 
Angels' Song


<to listen click here>

Shoeboxes Presented during Worship

Shoebox Dedication
<youtube video>



Eleven more members were accepted into our fellowship during the morning service


new members


New Sound System installed


Recently installed is a new Sound Reinforcement System - featuring the latest technology.
The original system had served us well for over 20 years but the time had come to do an upgrade.



NW ControlpanelWe are very grateful to a former member of our congregation - Bob,  who was very generous in providing the resources to bring the budgeted installation date forward by two years with a gift in memory of his dear wife Joan.
Thank you Bob

The system has allowed us to play music from the integral  C.D., MP3 player or flash drive.

Audio feeds are now possible to the adjacent room, and the loop system has been improved. 



The system was designed by 
KEYSTONE SOUND SYSTEMS and installed in one week during July

NW Keystone

Below Simon and Jason are fine tuning the settings for those of us who just want to "switch on and go"

NW Sound system

With the benefit of radio microphones and eight high level speakers the first Sunday Services came over with much improved clarity and flexibility.

Thanks to Anne Russen our Youth and Family Worker who was the first preacher to use the system during her All Age Worship Service


We look forward to another 20 year's audio, we shall probably be installing holograms by then!



Thanks to David Ling for this photograph of the inside of our church taken during 1930

Inside NW Methodist dated 1930



Note: there is no pipe organ, that was installed in 1938, but music was led by a small harmonium seen in front of the pews. No sound system either.
David has done some investigation and the church has been decorated for a HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICE - He has even discovered the hymns that were sung during the Service: from The Primitive Methodist Hymnal they were:
Come ye thankful people come, 
We plough the fields and scatter
 Praise to God. immortal praise, for the love that crowns our days.
 Sow in the morn thy seed, at even hold out thine hand

last verse reads
Then when the glorious end,
The day of God is come,
the angel-reapers shall descend,
And Heaven cry "Harvest Home"


The gentleman standing in the pulpit, waiting for a congregation, is thought to be the Revd. William Hemp, who was minister here from 1928 to 1934.
Hopefully he did not suffer from hay fever surrounded by all that floristry !


Above him on the wall, where we now have a cross and digital projection, you can see the large scroll. It contains the text "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise..."  Psalm 100 verse 4.
Contrast that with today's interior taken from the same spot:-

Inside the Worship Area



And so what changes will be made in another 86 years - the year 2102 ?


We have just finished one of the most memorable weeks I can remember since we moved to North Walsham. What a marvellous experience everyone had, the flower displays were imaginative and extremely well thought out and presented, easy to see and walk around. I don’t wish to pick out one from another – I expect we all had our favourites. Some of the displays took three days to complete, amazing!

Flower Festival





The Victorian Tea room was excellent with a wide range of fresh food readily available. The backup stalls were all well presented with quality goods for sale, handicraft, bric-a-brac, books and raffle, various quilts and teddy bears to name, beans in a jar guess the number, flower quiz.Victorian Tea Room











Even a Norwich City shirt competition, I wonder who that was?


Canary Shirts








In the memorabilia room, many people looking for pictures of relatives long remembered. Mementoes of a Missionary worker brought home after many years of service to God in China.Exihibition









Hymns books through the ages. Old favourites and new – you could have been in this room half the day if you wanted to be.

Finally on Sunday afternoon at 3pm “Praise in the Park”
led by Revd David, music by the Salvation Army and prayers by the Vicar, songs by the Churches together Music group and Puppet group.

Open Air Service











We were blessed with good weather and church members from the circuit and other denominations came to” Praise the Lord!” together as one 150 member family.

The week of celebrations could not have happened without YOU
 thanks go out to all who volunteered to do a “stint”, lots of hard work was put in by you all. If you were unable to help due to ill health or holiday we thank you for your prayers, everything counted towards a successful celebration.

Thank you all, Richard
(Senior Steward)

To see more click this YouTube Link



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  • Circuit Office, North Walsham Methodist Church
  • Grammar School Road
  • North Walsham
  • Norfolk
  • NR28 9JH

07535 528613
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