North Norfolk Methodist Circuit

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Catch Up



On this page you will find entries from recent events that have appeared on our pages in the past.

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‘My most sincere thanks go to Rev John Fenn and other collaborators who arranged for a long service certificate to be presented to me to mark my retirement from playing the organ. I have been touched by the many kind and appreciative comments made by friends old and new during the presentation and afterwards. One of my most lasting memories of making music in this church for over thirty years will be the unexpected ending to the service on Good Friday morning.         Godfrey


 We had a great response to the launching of John Butura's book called " An Escape from Communism to a Prisoner of Christ". The book is a real, honest account of John's life, how he grew up in Romania under a Communist regime. He tells us how he was imprisoned several times for resisting the government and where he discovered how cruel the controlling authorities were. He was determined to leave his homeland and in 1988 he escapes to Austria where he lived in a refugee camp for two years before being accepted for emigration to US. It was while he was there that his life was transformed and he began to heal, both physically and spiritually. The details that he shares with us are almost unbelievable. It could change your life! They are still available price £10.

Please see John or Linda.


The journey of the palm crosses

 Masasi is one of the six districts of the Mtwara region of Tanzania.

Our Palm Sunday crosses are hand woven by Masasi villagers from naturally grown and chemical free African palm leaves.

They are grown, harvested, woven and distributed as part of a  self-help programme in eight villages in one of the poorest regions of Southern Tanzania. 


27th January 2019

churces together logo

The nine Churches Together in North Walsham, have signed a local covenant, committing themselves to work together.

Churches Together NW

The churches are: North Walsham Methodist, Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, St Nicholas Church of England, North Walsham Congregational Church, New Life Church, Worstead Baptist Church, the Society of Friends, Swanton Abbott village chapel, North Walsham Salvation Army. 


The work of Churches Together in North Walsham, and the nine local churches which last week signed the local covenant, committing ourselves to work together.




The circuit plan and the three monthly overview of all the church rotas are now available in the Church Centre. The rotas are now on a separate sheet, and in a memorable colour.


This year, we have filled shoeboxes for the charity Link to Hope. More information about this charity and its work can be found on its website - click on Link to Hope to open it in another window


On October 14th, we celebrated the 128th anniversary of the dedication of the present church building on 19th October 1890.  (The lounge and Dayspring Centre are later 20th Century developments).   However, the ‘people called Methodist’ in North Walsham are heirs to the legacy of a local grocer, Richard Colls, who in 1797, only six years after the death of John Wesley, applied for a licence to use a building somewhere in the town for ‘Methodist’ meetings – precisely where is not now known.  We must therefore give thanks for 221 years of Methodist witness in North Walsham and for all the people who have contributed to it down the years.  

The last few copies of the book ‘Welcome in this Place’, published in 2015 as a brief guide to the history of this church, its people and to the memorials and furnishings to be found here, were sold. 


A Note from the Rev’d Gordon Webster

Last Sunday, (7th October) I invited you to write your prayer responses for children and youngsters.

Requests were placed with the Collection as part of what we offered to God in worship. 

These prayers included:-

 - Personal concerns for individuals – families, friends etc.
 - Young people in our Church and in various youth organisations such as Scouts and Guides, Boys and Girls Brigades
 - Children’s charities such as Action for Children, Save the Children, UNICEF
 - Orphans and children in war zones such as Syria
 - Victims of the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami
 - Street children in Columbia and their helpers
 - Children and families who have had to migrate and become refugees
 - Vulnerable youngsters enslaved by drug barons
 - Children and Family Centres under threat from government cuts
 - Youngsters with mental health problems and children with cancer....

Thanks for such a tremendous response!  KEEP PRAYING!!




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  • Circuit Office, North Walsham Methodist Church
  • Grammar School Road
  • North Walsham
  • Norfolk
  • NR28 9JH

07535 528613
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