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North Norfolk Methodist Circuit Preaching Plan

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Dotted around our preaching appointments are some abbreviations - here is the key to give you a bit more information:


AAW = all age worship, B = baptism, CA = Church Anniversary Cafe = Informal worship, CS = Circuit Service, HC = Holy Communion, HF = Harvest Festival, SoP = Songs of praise,  
US = Service at Methodist Church with Anglicans 5Alive = Contemporary worship, Cov = Covenant Service, LA = Service arranged by the local Stewards
US @ PC  = United Service at the parish church, CPC = Circuit Prayer Candle Service, Hff = Harvest flower festival, B = Baptism, CbyC = Carols by Candlelight, 
Ext HC  = Holy Communion, elements  consecrated elsewhere MCh = Messy Church


Bible Books


As churches return to regular worship a new plan of preachers will appear here for May







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